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Cognex康耐视 环境
发布时间:2018-12-20        浏览次数:132        返回列表
scription="">Environmental Policies

康耐视承诺遵守所有适用法律及法规,包括欧盟的有害物质限制 (RoHS) 和废弃电气和电子设备 (WEEE) 指令。康耐视采用了 RoHS 和 WEEE 正式计划以减少制造和服务活动中有害物质的使用,并确保正确废弃和循环使用电气电子设备。



遵守有害物质限制 (RoHS) 标准 
RoHS 指令限制电气和电子设备中有害物质的使用。康耐视承诺通过消除产品中的铅、汞、镉、铬和其它指定有害物质以达到 RoHS 标准。

在某些情况下康耐视因为缺少符合 RoHS 标准的组件或因产品处于生命周期末期而无法转换某些产品。在这些情况下,康耐视建议使用符合 RoHS 要求的替换产品并将帮助客户开发过渡计划。所有开发计划在 2005 年 7 月之后开始的康耐视产品,其设计均符合 RoHS 标准。

遵守废弃电气与电子设备 (WEEE) 标准 
康耐视完全支持 WEEE 指令的实施,目标在于减少和循环使用垃圾填埋场处理中不断增长的废弃电气与电子设备。

康耐视产品的设计和制造符合寿命长、可靠性高的特点,并经过 WEEE 指令所述标准的评估。只要有可能,康耐视就会维修产品以减少废弃电子产品对环境的影响。在无法维修的情况下,康耐视将安排客户返回产品进行处置。康耐视在多个欧盟成员国注册并遵守 WEEE 法规要求。


In 2010, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) Section 1502 (“§ 1502”) requiring the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to issue rules specifically relating to the use of “Conflict Minerals” within manufactured products. Conflict Minerals are defined by the US Law as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (also known as the “3TGs”) and related derivatives originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”) and adjoining countries (collectively, “DRC Region”). The SEC rules require any SEC registrant whose commercial products contain any 3TGs to determine whether the minerals originated from the DRC Region, and, if so, whether they are conflict free. By enacting this provision, Congress intends to further the humanitarian goal of ending the extremely violent conflict in the DRC Region, which has been partially financed by the exploitation and trade of Conflict Minerals originating in the DRC Region.
Cognex Corporation (“Cognex”) is committed to complying with the § 1502 requirements by working with our supply chain partners and taking reasonable steps to ensure 3TGs are not sourced by Cognex or our supply chain partners in a way that would directly or indirectly benefit armed groups responsible for serious human rights abuses in the DRC Region.
It is the desire of Cognex to make responsible sourcing decisions for all of our 3TG products, including materials and components contained therein (collectively, “3TG Product”); however, due to the complexity of our supply chain and the number of suppliers involved, this is a process that will evolve over time. In the meantime, Cognex will take reasonable steps to map our 3TG Product, back to the smelter.
Expectations of Suppliers
Cognex expects our suppliers to partner with us and also make responsible sourcing decisions. We expect our suppliers, at a minimum, to comply with our requests to provide statements and perform due diligence about the source of any conflict minerals in their products which are provided to us. Cognex’s direct suppliers may have to require successive upstream suppliers to complete a Conflict Minerals survey, such as the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition-Global e-Sustainability Initiative (“EICC-GeSI) Conflict Minerals Reporting Template or similar, until the smelter is identified. Cognex is committed to take reasonable action for suppliers who are not conflict free and/or do not comply with our disclosure requests as outlined in this policy.



联系热线:17701810476   联系人:陈工 联系地址:上海市黄埔区北京东路668号G区5楼

技术和报价服务:星期一至星期六8:00-22:00 康耐视专卖店